Bem-vindos! We're so excited to celebrate our wedding with you in the beautiful country of Portugal! To help you navigate your way around and immerse yourselves in the local culture, we've put together a few common Portuguese phrases that might come in handy. From ordering a bica (espresso) to saying "obrigado" (thank you), these simple words and phrases will not only enhance your experience but also show your appreciation for the Portuguese people and their rich heritage. Feel free to practice your pronunciation and impress the locals with your newfound linguistic skills!
Greetings and farewells:
Olá! (oh-lah) - Hello! This is the most common way to greet someone.
Tudo bem? (too-doo bane?) - How are you? (informal) You can reply with "Tudo bem, obrigado/a" (I'm fine, thank you).
Tchau! (chow) - Bye! (informal)
Até logo! (ah-teh loh-goo) - See you later!
Expressing gratitude:
Obrigado/a (oh-bree-gah-doo/dah) - Thank you. Remember to use "obrigado" if you're male and "obrigada" if you're female.
Muito obrigado/a (moo-ee-too oh-bree-gah-doo/dah) - Thank you very much.
De nada (duh nah-dah) - You're welcome.
Useful phrases:
Por favor (poor fah-vor) - Please.
Com licença (cone lee-sen-sah) - Excuse me.
Desculpe (desh-kool-peh) - Sorry.
Sim (seen) - Yes.
Não (now) - No.
Não percebo (now per-seh-boo) - I don't understand.
Phrases for toasts:
Saúde! (sah-oo-deh) - Cheers! (to your health)
Um brinde aos noivos! (oon brin-deh owsh noh-ee-voosh) - A toast to the newlyweds!
Felicidades! (fe-lee-see-dah-deesh) - Congratulations! / Happiness!